Sunday, 9 August 2015

Lessons in Lightroom

Although the post processing I do is adequate I am tending towards doing a little more creative editing.  This is a complete departure from where I started 2 years ago.

Currently use Lightroom and I'd say I'm at an intermediate level so at the weekend I started an advanced course run by the club.

The first two images don't have any more processing than I have done previously, reflecting reality. Although I did use different techniques.

The last two I pushed the creativity a little, the last one maybe a lot.... decide.

Sunday, 2 August 2015

Leisurely Fridays

Friday morning, cold and clear, magnificently misty.  Decided to only use the 70-300mm to do some landscape work.  Quite liked the ability to focus right in on details.  Yet still had to crop the image...

Also took some time with the camera away from my face just to take it all in.

Saturday, had me in the vicinity of Merri Creek, not a normal part of the world for me but again the clear blue sky promised some warmth, I forgot I was in Melbourne, it was a little brisk.  The trees are in bloom so we must be on the way to spring.