Although I have had a camera for umpteen years I have only taken it seriously in the last couple of years. As such I enter into my photo society's novice worker evaluations, yet I have a blog in which I put images to show the world as if they were the best. Well they are, they are my best.
However having held a camera for so many years and occasionally taken good shots I do feel a bit of a fraud in not moving to the Open class, however I am going to continue as a novice for the remainder of this calendar year or until I get 3 highly commended images in the same evaluation
I thought I'd share the images that I put in and the comments and results that come out, it will also remind me where I was, should I ever think I haven't improved.
The Hungry Catepillar (EDI)
It took me ages the stage this using a ring light, a hand held LED light and several centimetres of extension tubes. The leaves were carefully arranged to hide the shed walls.
Too much distraction with the bright leaves which could have benefited from some extra separation from the main subject. The leaves could have been further away and darker and more out of focus. Need to wait until next spring before I get chance to repeat this one...
Several Seconds of Water (EDI)
My favourite subject but can be polarising for evaluations, amazingly not every one appreciates these images.
Care should be taken not to overexpose area and it was considered that the large white water area was "blown out". I have since reprocessed the image and it might look better... image below is as judged.
The Last Delivery (Print) - Highly Commended
The first print I've entered for evaluation and it did well. Hiding the sun behind the cloud, the rays of sun, the silhouette of the cargo ship and the format all added up to a good image. It's worth clicking on the image to view the larger size. The print as displayed was 10" long (the longest side for a novice print) although I might get this enlarged and framed particularly as it's got an award.
contact me if there are images that you would like printing this can be arranged and I will send a quote, I do have some images on redbubble but think this is an expensive service compared to others. If we work at it we could get them done at <75% of the redbubble price
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