Friday, 17 April 2015

A Wider Perspective

For some time my "go to" stitching software has struggled blending skies.  I didn't know whether it was the software struggling to blend 4+ images, the camera or the operator.

I have access to a few sources of photoshop but that meant transferring to a USB and then working on a Mac.  That wasn't going to work for me.

So I've downloaded Photoshop elements as a free trial to see if I can get better results.  Elements interfaces with Lightroom seamlessly (pun intended).

The image below is made up of 14 images and is approximately 270 degrees of view.  The blending is much improved and "minimal" post processing has been applied after the panorama was stitched.

This was another sunrise from the final day at Point Leo, those clouds to the right held the promise of some heavy rain.  Fortunately Mother Nature broke her promise and the tents came down dry.

Need to get some more practice in and there are plenty of sets waiting for treatment.

The initial file was 60Mb so I've lost some bytes somewhere, I'll need to find those but unless you're looking at this on a 4K, 60 inch screen I'll probably get away with it this time...

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