Saturday, 2 May 2015

Autumn Sun

Photography, for me, fits around my normal life and occasionally I see a shot which I need to try to capture but there's no time to stop the car.  Earlier this week I saw such an image and hoped that the weather/conditions were favourable at the weekend and I'd be able to capture some of the elements.

Saturday morning came and there was a bit of cloud about, but there were some small patches of blue, maybe I'd get something.  Quick breakfast and a cup of tea in a traveller had me getting into the car at 6.30.  There was already a little colour to the sky and I thought I may have taken a little to long to get out.  Would I miss the shot?

No, but it wasn't quite as I pictured, the light wasn't as direct due to the clouds.

The ice reference in the title if the first image is because (for those that may not know) the structure in it is referred to as an "igloo" and there are many of these in this area.

Within minutes the golden hues had expanded to pinks and blues

The sunlight on these leaves made them glow

And in a paddock was this forgotten beauty 

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