Saturday, 17 October 2015

Sunrise didn't deliver

The weather forecast didn't promise conditions for a good sunrise so I didn't set the alarm, then as I'm making my morning cuppa the view from the kitchen window indicated some high cloud and generally blue skies.  Perfect good sunrise weather so out with the camera.

I was attempting to get a shot of the iris below with a red sunrise behind it, however the sunrise didn't develop so I changed my planned perspective and played with a few light conditions using an LED panel light (a cheap one bought from the hardware store).

I'll try to take a better shot of the iris, the centre not as sharp as I would like, probably cut flowers against a black background in the studio, this choice inspired by the lily.

However the lily was taken outside and the dark background supplied by the side of my car.  Careful exposure control and a bright subject (courtesy of the LED light) helped to reduce reflections (and dust) from the body.

Sometimes you have to make do with what's around you.

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